Feb 21, 2023
“On the supply side, we work with project developers who are standing up projects all around the world. Um, anything ranging from nature-based solutions to some of the more, uh, sort of frontier engineered technologies that you might have heard of, like direct air capture…and list their inventory on our platform to sell the carbon credits that they're generating through those projects. And then on the demand side, we work with corporations to enable the purchase of vetted carbon credits via our platform.” Lucy Hargreaves on Electric Ladies Podcast
Managing carbon in the air is job one to keep the planet from heating over 1.5 degrees. There are many ways to do that, and the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report and many others, found that to do so, we need to both stop adding carbon emissions to the air and extract carbon from the air. This requires massive innovation and risk. One company thinks they can help expedite the process by creating a kind of “Airbnb for carbon credits.” Huh?
Listen to Lucy Hargreaves, head of Climate Policy at Patch, to find out about it in this enlightening interview on Electric Ladies Podcast with host Joan Michelson.
You’ll hear:
“The first thing I think is just like, be really clear on what your goals are. Really think about why are you doing what you're doing, what motivates you? Um, and, and just get some clarity around that…(and) be extremely opportunistic and don't be afraid to take risks….(M)ost of my opportunities that I've had have came from me putting my hand up, taking a chance, doing something that feels scary and terrifying, but that is aligned to my core goal and mission of working on climate and sustainability.”
Lucy Hargreaves on Electric Ladies podcast
You’ll also want to listen to: (some might be recorded under our previous name, Green Connections Radio)
· Pamela Conrad, Landscape architect, on using the exterior built environment to reduce carbon emissions.
· Kristina Wyatt, SVP of Persefoni and former leader of the SEC task force developing the climate risk disclosure rules that will be finalized shortly.
· Natalie Jaresko, former Finance Minister of Ukraine, on the hidden power of ESG
· Michele Wucker, thought leaders and author of “You Are What You Risk: The New Art & Science to Navigating an Uncertain World.”
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