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Welcome to Electric Ladies Podcast!

Insights and tips from remarkable women leaders and innovators - from business, policy, science, the arts - who are transforming our world - Energy and sustainability - Career advice too.

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Oct 26, 2021

“Energy storage kind of cuts across multiple sectors…vehicles, that’s a big one…and quite frankly, to move ahead with a lot of the smart cities initiatives, we have to look at centralizing storage in order to maintain the current grid, because the grid can’t handle increased load…So storage really runs...

Oct 19, 2021

“We did see that the industry accelerated its energy transition and many of the companies, during the height of the pandemic, were announcing their zero goals… and announced production cuts going forward over the next decade through automation and looking for opportunities to do this, and the pandemic was certainly...

Oct 12, 2021

“Companies are really recognizing that this concept of greenwashing, and these bold ambitious assertions that they can’t back up, that’s no longer, that’s not transparency. That is risk, and that exposing an organization to very concrete reputational and other risks….I think it’s all about...

Oct 5, 2021

“Your risk fingerprint is… a combination of genetic,… your innate personality… It also interacts with other things, your experiences….And lots of social influences, whether it's within your organization or your country, your culture, your peer group, within your family, and all of those things come together....