Jun 30, 2016
“It’s easier to change the world if you have money.” Julie Lenzer Kirk, award-winning serial entrepreneur and head of the Economic Development Administration Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE) at the U.S. Commerce Department. As a mentor to entrepreneurs and an author, Kirk shares juicy insider tips...
Jun 28, 2016
By innovatively solving a technical exhaust problem, this creative team from NG1 Techflo Exhaust won the Clean Tech Open – and all the funding and contacts that come with it. What can you learn from their experience – and do you want this on your truck?
“One class 8 truck can save 40,000 lbs of carbon /year”...
Jun 24, 2016
Remarkable clean energy innovations, the challenges of a carbon tax, jobs, and investing in clean energy - told with great stories. All from a man who carries the legacy of one of the most renowned (and provocative) United States Presidents.
Listen to this engaging and enlightening interview with an activist scion of...
Jun 21, 2016
Your brain and heart are 73% water, your lungs are ~83% water, your skin is 64% water, and your muscles and kidneys are 79% water. Even your bones are 31% water.
Yet 1.2 billion people live under water stress on the planet – and have you noticed that you’re paying more for produce? It’s the economic impact of the...
Jun 18, 2016
Tired of buying the same types of gifts? Listen to Jules Pieri, Founder & CEO of the creative gift site The Grommet on unique gifts “made by real people with stories and values worth sharing.” Listen to Jules share some of her favorite picks from their catalog and the cool stories of the makers behind them.