Nov 29, 2022
Famous Music Venue Goes Sustainable - Erika Wollam-Nichols, The Bluebird Café
“We have staff members who are very, very conscious of sustainability. One of our servers does our recycling…and we've had to really step into how can we find space for those kind of things, even composting…because obviously we have...
Nov 22, 2022
“The fashion industry is a supply chain….but the reality is it’s a human chain. Nothing is made that we wear that does not go through many human hands. And so really for me, the environmental aspects are extremely important. But.. it's really about brands being more open about their supply chain. And,...
Nov 15, 2022
“The vision for electrification is based on the maturing of the technology. Getting it to a price point, a performance point, and a consumer acceptance point, where this actually can serve all of these consumer needs and we can make it affordable and it works…. This is what being a transportation provider looks...
Nov 8, 2022
“Anytime we've had to do something hard in human history, we've needed the public to understand and get on board with this future. And so, what we're trying to do is quite simply to reach mainstream audiences…become America's first mainstream climate brand and reach people who do have a level of concern and...
Nov 1, 2022
“Do you understand what customers are looking for?…Do you know where you want to go? Can you tell a story? Are you the right person to lead this team and bring others on board?...The financial model is often the number side of your story. It is storytelling through numbers.” Ginger Rothrock on Electric Ladies...