Feb 28, 2017
“Find another way.”
We all know the power of movies to move us. EMMY-winning documentary filmmaker – and co-executive producer of the masterful documentary “Dispatches From the Gulf” about the scientific impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill – Marilyn Weiner talks with Green Connections Radio host Joan...
Feb 24, 2017
Think about your favorite movies this Oscar season… Now think about what it took to produce it: energy for lighting, water and food for the crew, paper for the scripts, wood and other materials for the sets, cars and vans to transport people, maybe cars and buildings that get blown up…. All of that produces a lot of...
Feb 17, 2017
“Energy storage enables us to have energy and power when and where we need it.”
The linchpin in the new energy revolution is storage – to “enable us to have energy and power when and where we need it,” as Dr. McGrath put it. It’s a time of rapid innovation in energy and storage, though, and the systems that...
Feb 14, 2017
One thing the 2016 election showed us is how much we are not communicating, how much we are not hearing each other. Communication is a two-way street, but how do we know what the other person is hearing or cares about?
Listen to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson’s interview with business coach Steve Sapato...
Feb 10, 2017
“In 2015, about 40% of total U.S. energy consumption was consumed in residential and commercial building” According to the U.S. Green Building Council, “In the United States alone, buildings account for almost 40 percent of national CO2 emissions and out-consume both the industrial and transportation sectors, but...