Aug 21, 2020
As we commemorate the centennial of the 19th Amendment, which
confirmed women have the right to vote, here is a glimpse into an
untold part of the story. It’s about a rare female journalist in
the then male-dominated field of journalism who used her platform
to keep the movement in the headlines. She also wrote fiction that
is considered source material for "Wonder Woman" comics. That
journalist is Miriam Michelson, who also happens to be GCR host
Joan Michelson’s great-great aunt.
Listen to professor Lori Harrison-Kahan of Boston College also
share stories about how the @MeToo movement originated in the
suffrage movement. Lori wrote a best-selling recent book, "The
Superwoman and Other Writings of Miriam Michelson (Joan wrote the
foreword to it).
You'll hear:
For more on the suffrage movement, including Joan’s sold-out even at the Newseum go here.
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